First, I'd like to apologize for my long absence. I had to travel to deal with a family issue, and I simply couldn't keep all the balls in the air, so the blog fell to the side. However, I'm back, and getting things back on track. I'm still hoping for a late December or early January release for the next book in the Wildlander saga.
The cover is not yet finished, but I'll give y'all the title... It will be called Arcadian's Balm, and as those of you who read the epilogue to the first novel have likely surmised, the heroine will be Ava's sister Lorien. I'll be posting scene snippets, a cover image, and character profiles in the coming weeks. Here's a wee bite to get things started:
Lorien drifted in and out of awareness, gathering vague
impressions of what was happening to her. She was lifted into strong, warm
arms, and she felt so very safe. Held there, she moved quickly, almost flying
through the trees, until they came across more people. Someone shouted; someone
else responded. She was carried further, until they came into a place lit only
by gel-fire, with no sunshine.
Other hands reached out for her, anxious voices rose around.
At one point, she opened her eyes fully and looked into the face of what was
surely the oldest woman she’d ever seen, with deeply lined skin and a cloud of
white hair. There was such strength, though, in those pale green eyes, such
assurance, and Lorien felt herself instantly calm.
“Ye will live, child,” the elder woman rasped in an accent
that was both strange and familiar. “Have no fear.”
After that, Lorien slipped away again, her fear floating
away with her consciousness.