The Wildlands - A Geographical Overview

The Land

The Wildlands is the land bordering Arcadia on the west, north, and east sides. At the most basic, it is a buffer zone between Arcadia and the brutality of the Dark Lands. Unlike the carefully groomed, gently rolling hills of Arcadia, the Wildlands tend to be rough, largely left in their natural state. Arcadian women who travel there first describe the space as ‘untamed’, giving them the feeling that they are ‘at the mercy of nature’. There are five main geographical regions of the Wildlands: the Western Steppes, the NorthWest Wood, the Great Grey Mountains, the NorthEast Wood, and the Eastern Plains.

The Western Steppes

The Western Steppes are the one place where the natural landscape is significantly altered. Grain farms abound through the land near the Lesser Bear River, where the soil is highly arable. In the southernmost parts of the region, where it is warm enough, some cotton is grown.
On the land where the soil is less suitable for large-scale agriculture, hardy steppe horses are bred, ore is mined from the low, rocky ridges, and in the sands of the southern beaches, glass is blown. The Circles within this region do, as all Wildlander Circles, breed and train warriors, but the majority of the population works in agriculture, mining, or goods production.

The Western Steppes are bordered on the west by the Great Western Dark Lands, which are populated with Dark Creatures that are, overall, less deadly than those in the NorthWest. However, a few, including deragons, are fierce enough to kill warriors. Overall there are fewer deaths in this region than the wooded and mountainous areas. Because of this, most Wildlander women prefer to settle here. The disparity in gender is far less extreme here, leading to more Clans with just two males to one female, or, sometimes even just one male and one female, or even Clans made up solely of females.

In the Wildlander spirit of community sharing, the Western Steppe Circles always send shipments of grain to the Circles who do not have the land to produce such a resource. They are entirely responsible for feeding the Border Circles, those small outposts closest to the Dark Lands where warriors patrol and deal with the majority of the Dark creatures that try to cross over. Warriors who live in the interior Circles take month-long shifts living and working at these Border Circles. Incidentally, it was during one of these shifts where Blaise and Killian’s fathers were killed.

Including the eight Border Circles and five Wall Circles (those settlements built right next to the Arcadian wall) there are twenty-four Circles in the Western Steppes. The largest of these is called the Circle of the Western Steppes, and functions as an unofficial regional capital.

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