Yes, I'm still working away. A massive flu has me nice and stuffed and doped up, but at least I have time to sit down and write. Anyhow, here's a quote from Arcadian's Balm that I rather like:
“Folks want to be gifted,” the Clan Mother said. “They wants to be special, do something others can’t, be something beyond what we’re born to be. But few see the burdens and the responsibilities of such a thing. We has the hearts of men. And the hearts of men cannot rightly control the power of what is more than us. We most often fail.”
As was hinted at in Wildlander's Woman, there are certainly preternatural powers bouncing around the Wildlands. In Arcadian's Balm, we delve into that a little more, looking at the effect that such gifts have on the human psyche and how terribly wrong it can all go if the person who has the gift does not have the moral strength to control it and use it for good.
I think it's natural to believe that the rules don't necessarily apply to oneself, that you can handle even the tough tests of integrity, because you somehow aren't susceptible to the temptations and weaknesses of the human condition. But the fact is, we all are. We all fail. We all thoughtlessly hurt people along the way. And sometimes the fallout of our own arrogance can be rather devastating. We will explore those ideas in Arcadian's Balm.
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Sunday, 2 August 2015
Sneak Peek from Arcadian's Balm
So I'm still pounding away at Arcadian's Balm. This story takes us out of the Circle of the NorthWest Wood and across the northern part of the Wildlands, right to the Grand Circle of the Wildlands (think capital city). So we'll see a little more of Wildland culture and the different ways they live. We'll also see a familiar face we might not have expected.
After the Circle meeting, the warrior Rustan offered to bring Lorien back to her lodging. Though she knew the way, Lorien accepted the offer with grace, and walked alongside the sad-eyed warrior through the various rings of the Grand Circle. After the coarse simplicity of the Circle of the NorthWest Wood and the Circle of the Grey Mountains, Lorien was struck yet again at the sophisticated architecture of the Grand Circle. At first glance, the buildings seemed rather simple, but she could see the care and work that had gone into them, the building techniques unlike any she’d ever seen in Arcadia, and the careful attention to detail and aesthetics that made it all so lovely to look upon.
As they walked, she thought about her conversation with the Grand Mother, and remembered her question. “The Clan Mother of my home Circle… she has pale green eyes,” Lorien said to Rustan.
He nodded calmly, and kept silent.
“And then the Clan Mother in the Circle of the Grey Mountains… hers are the same color.”
“Aye.” Rustan lightly grasped her elbow and led her round a corner to cut across a courtyard into the next ring. “You has thoughts about this?”
“The Grand Mother’s eyes were the same color.” Lorien recognized the road they emerged into as the one where her lodgings lay. “Cale told me that sometimes the Clan Mothers are of the same families. Would three sisters all be Mothers of different Circles?”
Rustan smiled down at her, and she could see that he was pleased in spite of the sorrow that hung over him like a heavy cloak. “It may happen like that,” he said slowly. “If we were ever to have a family with three living daughters, which has not happened in many years. But the truth you seek here is that all the Clan Mothers has the same eyes. Comes with the Light in them, when their magick grows strong enough. The Grand Mother, back in earlier years, she has one blue eye and one brown one.”
Lorien thought about the other elders in the Circle, including the small one who had spoken so gently to her about her Gift. “That other man… Willem, he had one brown and one blue eye.”
“Aye.” Rustan straightened a little, and for a moment pride shone through his sorrow. Warder had shown that same pride, Lorien remembered, when he’d caressed her burgeoning belly. To her shock, the thought of her former husband no longer caused a slice of pain, but rather the soft warmth of a fond memory.
“Is that a common thing, for eyes to be different colors in the Wildlands?”
Rustan shook his head, grey-streaked brown hair moving softly in the breeze. “Very unusual. Only ones I ever see are Willem and his sister. They shares a womb, comin’ into this world.”
Yes, the gentleness in Willem’s face was reflected in that of the Grand Mother. “So you knew them… before?”
“Aye.” In the space of a breath, Rustan’s pride slid into something different entirely, something that Lorien would have called agony. But he schooled his features. “I knows ‘em many years. I can no longer speak the Grand Mother’s name, is not the way of things, but I knows it well.”
“Is she your mother?”
Smiling, Rustan touched his palm to the side of Lorien’s face in the formal manner of an older relation showing affection to a younger one. “She’s mother to us all, aye? I protects and cares for her. Is why I lives and breathes, now.”
Again that raw anguish flashed in his face.
Lorien grasped his hand. “I’m glad I met you, Rustan. I think we shall be good friends.”
“Indeed, little sister.”
After the Circle meeting, the warrior Rustan offered to bring Lorien back to her lodging. Though she knew the way, Lorien accepted the offer with grace, and walked alongside the sad-eyed warrior through the various rings of the Grand Circle. After the coarse simplicity of the Circle of the NorthWest Wood and the Circle of the Grey Mountains, Lorien was struck yet again at the sophisticated architecture of the Grand Circle. At first glance, the buildings seemed rather simple, but she could see the care and work that had gone into them, the building techniques unlike any she’d ever seen in Arcadia, and the careful attention to detail and aesthetics that made it all so lovely to look upon.
As they walked, she thought about her conversation with the Grand Mother, and remembered her question. “The Clan Mother of my home Circle… she has pale green eyes,” Lorien said to Rustan.
He nodded calmly, and kept silent.
“And then the Clan Mother in the Circle of the Grey Mountains… hers are the same color.”
“Aye.” Rustan lightly grasped her elbow and led her round a corner to cut across a courtyard into the next ring. “You has thoughts about this?”
“The Grand Mother’s eyes were the same color.” Lorien recognized the road they emerged into as the one where her lodgings lay. “Cale told me that sometimes the Clan Mothers are of the same families. Would three sisters all be Mothers of different Circles?”
Rustan smiled down at her, and she could see that he was pleased in spite of the sorrow that hung over him like a heavy cloak. “It may happen like that,” he said slowly. “If we were ever to have a family with three living daughters, which has not happened in many years. But the truth you seek here is that all the Clan Mothers has the same eyes. Comes with the Light in them, when their magick grows strong enough. The Grand Mother, back in earlier years, she has one blue eye and one brown one.”
Lorien thought about the other elders in the Circle, including the small one who had spoken so gently to her about her Gift. “That other man… Willem, he had one brown and one blue eye.”
“Aye.” Rustan straightened a little, and for a moment pride shone through his sorrow. Warder had shown that same pride, Lorien remembered, when he’d caressed her burgeoning belly. To her shock, the thought of her former husband no longer caused a slice of pain, but rather the soft warmth of a fond memory.
“Is that a common thing, for eyes to be different colors in the Wildlands?”
Rustan shook his head, grey-streaked brown hair moving softly in the breeze. “Very unusual. Only ones I ever see are Willem and his sister. They shares a womb, comin’ into this world.”
Yes, the gentleness in Willem’s face was reflected in that of the Grand Mother. “So you knew them… before?”
“Aye.” In the space of a breath, Rustan’s pride slid into something different entirely, something that Lorien would have called agony. But he schooled his features. “I knows ‘em many years. I can no longer speak the Grand Mother’s name, is not the way of things, but I knows it well.”
“Is she your mother?”
Smiling, Rustan touched his palm to the side of Lorien’s face in the formal manner of an older relation showing affection to a younger one. “She’s mother to us all, aye? I protects and cares for her. Is why I lives and breathes, now.”
Again that raw anguish flashed in his face.
Lorien grasped his hand. “I’m glad I met you, Rustan. I think we shall be good friends.”
“Indeed, little sister.”
Friday, 31 July 2015
The Naughty 10... Interview with C.B. Archer
So here's my interview with C.B. Archer, author of the Breakers of the Code series. Still not finished (summer is disgustingly busy... why do they call it vacation?), but it's thus far a great deal of fun, especially if you're a gamer, or if you have dirty elf fantasies.
Jenycka: What was the naughty spark
for you? What made you decide to start writing sexy novels?
I was having an argument with my boyfriend at the time who desperately wanted
to be a writer. I started to write a novel to prove to him that he could start
writing as well and not just dream about being famous. I could call this
attempted inspiration, but at the time it was definitely for spite. We were not
in the best relationship place at the time. (It is okay, we are friends now.)
is why I started to write, but not why I kept on writing. It was so much fun when
the short story became a full fantasy series in just a few days of restless
sleep. I couldn’t stop.
to why I wrote a sexy novel, this story just always was supposed to be sexy.
The little scrawled note I had of various monsters to bang an elf dictate it to
be so. I do remember sitting there looking at the flashing icon in Word for
some time. The next words I needed to type were ‘thick member’. I knew that if
I typed them that this story would forever be sexy, that there was no turning
back. It flashed for about an hour, and then I said “Screw it, (literally)”.
Jenycka: What is the hardest part of the writing
process for you?
waiting is the hardest part. I should have just listened to Tom Petty when I
had the chance!
is a whole lot of hurry up and wait that goes hand in hand with writing.
Beta-Readers, editors, (designers for people that didn’t do their own
graphics), and publishers all have waiting times. I was stuck in a waiting for
publishers to call me crazy loop for over a year before deciding to self
Jenycka: How about the easiest? What part of writing
do you just take like a pro?
I have a strange sense of humour (it is what makes me lovable I am told). Adding
in my own bizarre blend of humour comes naturally to my writing projects. I
figure that if I add enough things that I think are funny to a project, at
least a few of them will actually be funny to others!
Jenycka: What feelings do you have deep down upon
seeing your project published?
Taco dancing feelings, like I suspect most writers have when seeing a project
I should explain that better, I agree with you person reading this. When I
received my first proof copy of this book I had to go the grocery shopping
right after. I spent my time in the store picking out the ingredients to make
some lovely chicken tacos, while absent mindedly dancing for joy around the
entire store. It took about fifteen odd looks from other shoppers until I
realized what I was doing, but I was too happy to stop and danced right out of
the store as well. (And yes, the tacos were amazing!)
Jenycka: Describe the Annals of Genitalia. What’s this
story about? Why should people want to read it?
*Giggles* It is called Annals of Gentalia, not Genitalia. (To be fair people
are supposed to read it wrong!) The name of the world is Gentala, and this
series of novels, and all future planned novels, will take place there. It is
the broad umbrella, much like a Dragonlance novel, or a Garfield analogy.
bigger story is that someone has perverted the programming of a MMORPG fantasy
game and made it rated A for Adult. The different planned series are the
stories that happen to the avatars that play within the world. The Anders’
Quest Series is about what happens specifically to Anders and his companions in
his playtime in the perverted realm.
to why people would want to read it, well it is deviously geeky and deliciously
satirical. If you have ever read fantasy novels, or played a Role-Playing game
before (and you don’t mind a little steamy elf male on monster male action)
then this novel will make you smile from ear to elfy ear.
Jenycka: Tell us a little about Anders, your main
character. What makes him interesting?
I think what makes Anders the most
interesting is that he doesn’t really belong in the Anders’ Quest Series. He is
shy about sex, doesn’t curse, and has absolutely no place being the main
character in an erotica novel. He still carries on strong though, and tries to
help his friends, even if he needs to get embarrassed and sweaty to do it. His
perseverance, in the sight of adversity (and giant floppy monster members)
makes him just so precious.
he defeats monsters by using his magical sex powers. Have you ever read a novel
like that before?
Jenycka: So I understand that there is a great deal of
mixing it up when it comes to the sex in your novel. No basic heteronormativity
here. Even the (sentient, capable-of-consent) species mix it up. Elves on
trolls, etc. Care to explain yourself? (In detail if possible.)
If you decide to have sex in a world where there mythical monsters exist, and
they are horny for you, then I think that widens your dating pool somewhat. Technically
all of the monsters, even the beastly ones, are sentient in this novel. They
are computer programs, and they are aware of what is going on around them.
think the closest thing to hetronormativity in this series is probably the
giant sex competition. (That is giant, as in it features giants having sex, not
as in the completion itself is large.)
avatars that have lustful thoughts over each other are not the same fantasy
race as each other. I just noticed that now that you asked. Well, people fall
for different types, I see no reason why elves and dwarves shouldn’t be banging
each other. I mean, have you seen The Lord of the Rings movies? Because I have
and Legolas and Gimli are cute together!
Jenycka: What made you decide to write about a
pantsless elf’s journey through a sexy MMORPG?
On the fateful day that I started to write this book series I actually had a
few different ideas for a series squirreled away.
was already on a full spreadsheet, it had a fully fleshed out the world,
already named characters, a planned out plot (including twists and turns), and
a valuable lesson to for readers to learn about the power of friendship and
other idea was scrawled messily on a crumpled post-it note. It was simply a
list of nine fantasy monsters that would be fun to watch bang an elf. I had
nothing really planned for it at all, not even a name for the main character.
Just in the back of my mind, the story was forming.
like any sane person I closed my well prepared spreadsheet of notes, flattened
out that post-it note with elf screwing monsters on it, and started to bang
something out!
facts: It wasn’t set in a video game originally in my head and it took until
the very first word written on the page until that happened. Yes, one word and
it was set in a video game instead of a normal fantasy setting. The pantsless
part just came naturally as the story progressed. He was going to find pants
right away, but well, it was funnier if he didn’t!
Jenycka: Is there a message you would like to convey
with this story?
Sex doesn’t need to be stuffy, and neither does erotica. Sex can be fun, new,
and unexpected. Don’t close your mind to new experiences! The next time you
find yourself in a glade in your travels and see a Hydra try to find a new way of
finding out how many heads he has!
Jenycka: What advice would you give aspiring authors?
(It can be advice about naked elves if you wish).
Stop starting tomorrow! If there is something you want to do, then do it! It
doesn’t matter if that thing is writing a novel, or pounding a naked elf – take
your dream and go for it!
You can hear more from C.B. at these links:
Twitter: @CB_Archer
Goodreads: C.B. Archer
So, thanks C.B. for this awesomely fun novel, and thanks for agreeing to be interviewed by me (and for interviewing me yourself). All the best in your future endeavours, and hopefully we here in Jenycka's steamy little fantasy world can hear from you again soon!
Monday, 27 July 2015
Another Blog Interview
BIG thanks to C.B. Archer for interviewing me on his blog! Watch for my return interview with him, which should be up soon. I'm just getting into the first of his "Annals of Genitalia" series, and thus far it's a WHOLE lot of fun!
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Anders' Quest Series Release - C.B. Archer
So my friend C.B. Archer has just released his first novel, Anders' Quest. In a few days, I'll be posting an interview with him. But here's the link to the book and a blurb for now. I haven't read it myself, but I'm going to beause it looks insanely cool. Erotica set in an MMORPG? Enough to set my gamer geek panties on fire, baby!
BTW, there's a lot of m/m in here.
A virtual world perverted.
An ancient threat ignored.
A spunky elf pantsless.
Industry giant Tornado Tech Games has just released their latest masterpiece, the massively multi-player online role playing game Annals of Gentalia. Anders, the plucky elf Night Ranger is pumped to explore its most secret depths.
But things are not always how they seem in the virtual world. When the elf accidently breaks into the hidden code of the game, his play experience is forever altered. Everyone has to adapt to a game world where the once normal monsters are now charged with sexual energy. Anders ends up setting off on an epic journey to save his own ass.
As the world quickly plummets into chaos around him, a vital question lingers. What kind of video game would willingly release a horde of sex crazed monsters into the world? More importantly to Anders, where can an elf get some pants around here!?
Warning: Contains m/m content and vigorous monster banging
BTW, there's a lot of m/m in here.
A virtual world perverted.
An ancient threat ignored.
A spunky elf pantsless.
Industry giant Tornado Tech Games has just released their latest masterpiece, the massively multi-player online role playing game Annals of Gentalia. Anders, the plucky elf Night Ranger is pumped to explore its most secret depths.
But things are not always how they seem in the virtual world. When the elf accidently breaks into the hidden code of the game, his play experience is forever altered. Everyone has to adapt to a game world where the once normal monsters are now charged with sexual energy. Anders ends up setting off on an epic journey to save his own ass.
As the world quickly plummets into chaos around him, a vital question lingers. What kind of video game would willingly release a horde of sex crazed monsters into the world? More importantly to Anders, where can an elf get some pants around here!?
Warning: Contains m/m content and vigorous monster banging
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
Sexy Summer Fun
Summer is in full swing, so things are busy, but I thought you guys might like a snippet of Arcadian's Balm...
Tomis hovered beneath the water, letting go of air one slow bubble at a time. He could still hear the thunder, but it was a muffled rumble now, not nearly so jarring. The buoyant warmth around him was soothing. He floated, weightless, timeless, suspended….
He barely felt the grip over his bicep before he was yanked from his secure warmth, into cold air and the rattle of thunder.
As Tomis spit water, Gevaril’s enraged face filled his vision. “You fucking idiot! You tryin’ to drown yourself?”
Though Tomis had pretty much let himself go limp, it was nothing for Gevaril to haul him out of the bath-pool onto the stone floor. Finding his feet beneath him, he finally jerked away from his Clan head. “Leave me alone,” he snarled.
“Like fuck I will! What was going to happen? We get home after the storm, and our sweet bride wants to go take a bath, and there she finds her man bloated and belly-up? She’s already lost one mate, remember? We all have!”
Except Tomis. He’d lost two. But before Tomis could remind Gevaril of that fact, a boom of thunder cracked hard through the cave. Tomis clapped his hands over his ears and hunched against the pressure of the noise.
Instantly, Gevaril was beside him.
“Is all right,” the bigger man murmured, his voice low and soothing. “I knows you’re afraid, but I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”
Tomis’s limbs trembled, but he let Gevaril draw him up and lead him to the bedchamber. The warmth of Gevaril’s hard palm against his was enough to provide an anchor. It wouldn’t save him from all fear, but it was enough to prevent him from collapsing into panicked hysteria again.
For a moment, Tomis resisted Gevaril’s light pushes toward the bed. “Linens are clean,” he protested. “I’m all wet.”
“Nothing’s gonna be clean when we gets done with it,” Gevaril growled, and shoved him backward.
Heat pooled in Tomis’s groin. It lasted only until the next crack of thunder, which sent him curling on his side, whimpering. Though only the vents let in light, the flashes were enough to throw him into the memory of The Storm once again, and for a few moments he was a child again, helpless, alone.
“No.” Gevaril’s voice was firm as he stretched Tomis out, arranging him properly on the bed, head on a cushion, limbs straight. “You’re here now, b’y, and you ain’t alone.”
Gevaril, naked now, lay over him, hips above Tomis’s hips, knees bracketing Tomis’s knees, chest hovering over Tomis’s chest, palms over Tomis’s palms.
“Is just us,” he murmured against Tomis’s trembling lips. “Just see me. Hear me.”
It was the only thing that had ever worked, to help him through the storms. Tomis’s parents had held him, but he’d still be weak and whimpering for hours after the fact. In their early years together, Gevaril had discovered that a good fucking would distract Tomis enough to bear the storm without too much hysteria. Kendo and Delamia had found it too obscene, and they’d refused, only consenting to calm him through soothing words when he descended into this madness.
Gevaril, though….
The solid strength of his body was a balm to Tomis’s quivering soul, and he wanted to scream in rage at the many years, the many storms, he’d had to go without.
Gevaril seemed to understand the way of his mind. “I’m here now, Red,” he whispered. “Just let me in….”
Thunder boomed again.
“Just us, Red.” Gevaril’s voice was low and seductive. “Just me.”
Whimpering, Tomis let his mouth drop open, only to immediately feel the swipe of Gevaril’s tongue. He tasted like ale, smooth and sleek, and Tomis could do nothing but open further for him and suck him in. His cock grew hard, and he instinctively lifted his hips to seek sensation.
Tomis hovered beneath the water, letting go of air one slow bubble at a time. He could still hear the thunder, but it was a muffled rumble now, not nearly so jarring. The buoyant warmth around him was soothing. He floated, weightless, timeless, suspended….
He barely felt the grip over his bicep before he was yanked from his secure warmth, into cold air and the rattle of thunder.
As Tomis spit water, Gevaril’s enraged face filled his vision. “You fucking idiot! You tryin’ to drown yourself?”
Though Tomis had pretty much let himself go limp, it was nothing for Gevaril to haul him out of the bath-pool onto the stone floor. Finding his feet beneath him, he finally jerked away from his Clan head. “Leave me alone,” he snarled.
“Like fuck I will! What was going to happen? We get home after the storm, and our sweet bride wants to go take a bath, and there she finds her man bloated and belly-up? She’s already lost one mate, remember? We all have!”
Except Tomis. He’d lost two. But before Tomis could remind Gevaril of that fact, a boom of thunder cracked hard through the cave. Tomis clapped his hands over his ears and hunched against the pressure of the noise.
Instantly, Gevaril was beside him.
“Is all right,” the bigger man murmured, his voice low and soothing. “I knows you’re afraid, but I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”
Tomis’s limbs trembled, but he let Gevaril draw him up and lead him to the bedchamber. The warmth of Gevaril’s hard palm against his was enough to provide an anchor. It wouldn’t save him from all fear, but it was enough to prevent him from collapsing into panicked hysteria again.
For a moment, Tomis resisted Gevaril’s light pushes toward the bed. “Linens are clean,” he protested. “I’m all wet.”
“Nothing’s gonna be clean when we gets done with it,” Gevaril growled, and shoved him backward.
Heat pooled in Tomis’s groin. It lasted only until the next crack of thunder, which sent him curling on his side, whimpering. Though only the vents let in light, the flashes were enough to throw him into the memory of The Storm once again, and for a few moments he was a child again, helpless, alone.
“No.” Gevaril’s voice was firm as he stretched Tomis out, arranging him properly on the bed, head on a cushion, limbs straight. “You’re here now, b’y, and you ain’t alone.”
Gevaril, naked now, lay over him, hips above Tomis’s hips, knees bracketing Tomis’s knees, chest hovering over Tomis’s chest, palms over Tomis’s palms.
“Is just us,” he murmured against Tomis’s trembling lips. “Just see me. Hear me.”
It was the only thing that had ever worked, to help him through the storms. Tomis’s parents had held him, but he’d still be weak and whimpering for hours after the fact. In their early years together, Gevaril had discovered that a good fucking would distract Tomis enough to bear the storm without too much hysteria. Kendo and Delamia had found it too obscene, and they’d refused, only consenting to calm him through soothing words when he descended into this madness.
Gevaril, though….
The solid strength of his body was a balm to Tomis’s quivering soul, and he wanted to scream in rage at the many years, the many storms, he’d had to go without.
Gevaril seemed to understand the way of his mind. “I’m here now, Red,” he whispered. “Just let me in….”
Thunder boomed again.
“Just us, Red.” Gevaril’s voice was low and seductive. “Just me.”
Whimpering, Tomis let his mouth drop open, only to immediately feel the swipe of Gevaril’s tongue. He tasted like ale, smooth and sleek, and Tomis could do nothing but open further for him and suck him in. His cock grew hard, and he instinctively lifted his hips to seek sensation.
Friday, 26 June 2015
Here's to love!
So I'm not an American, but I'm thrilled at the SCOTUS decision that was handed down today! I live in a country where marriage equality has been the law of the land for over a decade, and I truly believe we are far better for it as a people. I'm excited that the minds and hearts of my neighbours to the south are opening up and more people are seeing that love doesn't have to conform to one single pattern in order to be legitimate and beautiful. So, in honour of the ruling, here's a snippet about love:
From Arcadian's Balm:
Tomis let the door slam behind him. When he saw Gevaril sitting by the fire pit, he felt his fists clench.
The curly-haired man regarded him calmly, cocking his head as if he were simply curious.
Pain swelled in Tomis’s chest, a writhing, pulsing ball of hurt and humiliation that went back six long, painful years. His eyes stung. His throat grew tight.
Gevaril rose in a graceful movement. He opened his hands, palms up. “Have at ‘er, Red.” He stepped forward. “Fuck me or throw that punch you been wanting to throw. I’ll take either.”
Even as he felt his arm lift, Tomis knew which one he’d chosen. He grabbed the other man’s shoulder roughly, staring into those piercing blue eyes he’d once believed held every good thing in life.
The corner of Gevaril’s finely-formed mouth quirked in that arrogant way it always had. Tears blurring his vision, Tomis shoved his former lover backward and felt himself drop to his knees. He curled against the pain in his belly, though it was nothing compared to the pain that went deeper.
How could he do it? How could he love someone who had torn his heart out?
Strong-fingered hands traced over his wet face. Tomis trembled as calloused thumbs brushed the tears from beneath his eyes.
“We can get past this,” Gevaril murmured. “Truly, love, we can. It’s all still here, everything we’ve always felt, everything we wanted… it’s all still here. We can get it back.”
Tomis shook his head violently, feeling his queue smack against his shoulder. “It won’t be the same.”
Gevaril cupped Tomis’s face and delicately touched their foreheads together. “It won’t. But it can be good. Really good. I promise. Please, Red, we need to try. Let me show you I… please….”
Though his self-preservation instincts screamed for him to run, Tomis didn’t move. He couldn’t. He felt Gevaril’s tender touch burn into his skin as he breathed in his minty breath. Every nerve in his body was shimmering, fiercely attuned to his old lover.
He tried one more time. “F-fuck you.”
Gevaril’s lips pressed gently over his. “If you like. I seem to remember you enjoying it the other way, though.”
He was right, of course. Tomis loved getting fucked. He especially loved getting fucked by Gevaril, whose cock fit his ass with a sublime perfection he’d never felt before or after.
His cock was rock-hard, his loins on fire. Tomis realized that he was clutching at Gevaril’s arms. There was really nowhere else to go. Nothing else to do.
With a sob of surrender, he lunged forward against the man who had always held his heart, opening his mouth, sucking hard on the bigger man’s tongue. The sleek texture was everything he remembered.
“Red… oh, my Red….” Gevaril nipped at Tomis’s jaw before unerringly finding the cord in his neck where the right pressure could make him half mad.
Groaning, Tomis laced his fingers through his lover’s curls. Gev.
Somewhere in the haze of passion, he realized that Gevaril had scrambled up and was yanking him to his feet as well. Tomis obeyed without question, lacing his arms around the stronger man’s neck and letting Gevaril grasp and lift his thighs. He wrapped his legs tightly round his lover’s waist, moaning in pleasure at the feel of their hard cocks pressed together, even though the fabric of their clothing was still between them.
For the first time in six years, Tomis was carried to bed.
From Arcadian's Balm:
Tomis let the door slam behind him. When he saw Gevaril sitting by the fire pit, he felt his fists clench.
The curly-haired man regarded him calmly, cocking his head as if he were simply curious.
Pain swelled in Tomis’s chest, a writhing, pulsing ball of hurt and humiliation that went back six long, painful years. His eyes stung. His throat grew tight.
Gevaril rose in a graceful movement. He opened his hands, palms up. “Have at ‘er, Red.” He stepped forward. “Fuck me or throw that punch you been wanting to throw. I’ll take either.”
Even as he felt his arm lift, Tomis knew which one he’d chosen. He grabbed the other man’s shoulder roughly, staring into those piercing blue eyes he’d once believed held every good thing in life.
The corner of Gevaril’s finely-formed mouth quirked in that arrogant way it always had. Tears blurring his vision, Tomis shoved his former lover backward and felt himself drop to his knees. He curled against the pain in his belly, though it was nothing compared to the pain that went deeper.
How could he do it? How could he love someone who had torn his heart out?
Strong-fingered hands traced over his wet face. Tomis trembled as calloused thumbs brushed the tears from beneath his eyes.
“We can get past this,” Gevaril murmured. “Truly, love, we can. It’s all still here, everything we’ve always felt, everything we wanted… it’s all still here. We can get it back.”
Tomis shook his head violently, feeling his queue smack against his shoulder. “It won’t be the same.”
Gevaril cupped Tomis’s face and delicately touched their foreheads together. “It won’t. But it can be good. Really good. I promise. Please, Red, we need to try. Let me show you I… please….”
Though his self-preservation instincts screamed for him to run, Tomis didn’t move. He couldn’t. He felt Gevaril’s tender touch burn into his skin as he breathed in his minty breath. Every nerve in his body was shimmering, fiercely attuned to his old lover.
He tried one more time. “F-fuck you.”
Gevaril’s lips pressed gently over his. “If you like. I seem to remember you enjoying it the other way, though.”
He was right, of course. Tomis loved getting fucked. He especially loved getting fucked by Gevaril, whose cock fit his ass with a sublime perfection he’d never felt before or after.
His cock was rock-hard, his loins on fire. Tomis realized that he was clutching at Gevaril’s arms. There was really nowhere else to go. Nothing else to do.
With a sob of surrender, he lunged forward against the man who had always held his heart, opening his mouth, sucking hard on the bigger man’s tongue. The sleek texture was everything he remembered.
“Red… oh, my Red….” Gevaril nipped at Tomis’s jaw before unerringly finding the cord in his neck where the right pressure could make him half mad.
Groaning, Tomis laced his fingers through his lover’s curls. Gev.
Somewhere in the haze of passion, he realized that Gevaril had scrambled up and was yanking him to his feet as well. Tomis obeyed without question, lacing his arms around the stronger man’s neck and letting Gevaril grasp and lift his thighs. He wrapped his legs tightly round his lover’s waist, moaning in pleasure at the feel of their hard cocks pressed together, even though the fabric of their clothing was still between them.
For the first time in six years, Tomis was carried to bed.
Sunday, 21 June 2015
All About that Bass
So this is going to be a total departure from what I usually blog about. I'm not much for talking about my personal life on a writer blog... yeah, I know y'all are mostly on here just to see the dirty little snippets from my stories that I put up, but I think this is too important to ignore.
I've been quiet for a bit, and I'll explain why. The easiest thing would just be to say "health issues", and it's the truth, but I'm going to give more detail. It cumulated in me having to undergo testing for colon cancer.
Everything is about the ass right now. Anal is the new oral in erotic romance. And in real life. So many people are trying it. Many of them really like it. Celebrities get famous for having large, luscious bottoms. Butts are memorialized in pop songs. It's all about the sexual function of the ass, but the thing is, we have to remember that there's more to our permanent vertical smiles than sex. We live or die based on how healthfully things move through there.
Yeah, I'm talking about the original function of asses now. Seriously not sexy. I'd been noticing that I was getting progressively weaker, my appetite was fading (REALLY weird for me), and my digestion was very off. I'd always thought I was vigilant about my bowels, because I've lost family members to colon cancer before, and I know I"m at risk for it. Weirdly enough, when I started to experience warning signs, I initially ignored them. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. But it got to the point where I couldn't ignore it. I was spending sixteen hours a day asleep, and the other eight curled in the fetal position, moaning in pain and clutching my belly. My life ground to a halt. I couldn't work. Sex (either by myself or with anyone else) was out of the question.
So I went to the doctor, and I had to tell him that I, a person at risk for colon cancer, had been ignoring the fact that there was blood in the toilet after I moved my bowels. After he gave me a stern lecture about not ignoring serious symptoms, we began the testing process. Some bits were so disgusting I can't bring myself to discuss them. As soon as the first results were in, I got booked with the surgeon for the dreaded colonoscopy.
Very few people who are in their thirties expect that they'll need a camera shoved up their ass. I don't imagine that anyone looks forward to it. But as the days dragged by, I found myself wishing time to go faster, so I could get it done. I knew I was sick, but I wanted to know exactly how sick, so I could figure out what to do about it. I was actually eager to get started on the prep, which is pretty much two days of clear liquids and very strong laxatives. Those were probably the two longest days of my life. I staggered back and forth between my bed and the bathroom, never catching more than an hour or two of sleep at a time because once you've taken laxatives you really don't trust yourself to relax all that much.
As I'd been sick for a while anyhow, the preparation was really hard on my body. My darling dad came to town to take care of me, and he had to push me through the hospital in a wheelchair because I was too weak to walk. Then I went into shock when they put the IV in. So I to spend a few hours laying there in pre-op, getting fluids and waiting for my blood pressure to stabilize before I could go in.
By that point, I was utterly convinced I had cancer. I started composing good-bye letters in my head to give to the people I love the most. I sorrowed for the fact that I wouldn't be able to finish the Wildlands series. My brain worked through every mistake I'd ever made, every regret I ever had, and I started to mourn the fact that my life was ending after only 34 years.
When I finally went into the operating room, the doctor asked me if I had any questions, and I asked him how long I would live with cancer. He didn't answer; just told the nurse to give me the sedative. I drifted off lying on my side, as someone was opening the back of my gown so they could insert a six-foot hose into my butt. I remember offering to slip them a fifty if they would grease it well.
When I woke up, the surgeon was standing there, smiling at me. My colon was perfectly normal, except for the fact that I apparently don't eat enough fibre. The GI specialist was called, and after one simple conversation and a look at my medical records, she concluded that my pain and weakness was a reaction to a medication I'd started a few months back, that was apparently doing a number on my digestive system and severely straining my liver.
So I don't have cancer. My dramatic mental preparations for death seem rather silly now. I stopped the drug, and my system is slowly healing. I'm still tired and weak, but I'm sleeping only about 12 hours a day now, and I'm hoping to be able to go back to my 'day' job within another month. The mind fog is clearing, and I've started to write again.
You're probably wondering why I'm telling you all of this. The first reason is as a public service announcement. Colon cancer is a silent, brutal killer. I've watched some of the people I've loved most in the world succomb to it, because the symptoms usually don't show up until it's progressed to the point where it could be too late. And even then, they may have ignored the symptoms out of fear. So if you're over 40, or if you have family history, don't die of embarassment. Talk to your doctor about screening. When it's caught in the early stages, it's not a death sentence. My granddad lived 40 years after his first bout.
The second reason I'm talking about it is that this whole experience has given me a strange new relationship with my body. I underwent some incredibly invasive, humiliating medical procedures, which was something I'd never done before. Having never given birth, I haven't had much cause to have doctors 'down there', except for that quick yearly exam that we all pretend isn't happening. But being probed inside and out has somehow made me more comfortable with my body, with who I am as a person and my place on this earth. It brought me to a new acceptance of the reality of my body, imperfect as it may be. It's mine. It's me.
I've had some weird, freaky sex (not as wild as my characters, but wild enough). I consented to having my body touched in those ways for pleasure. It's a different thing to have people (especially strangers rather than someone you care about and trust) touching you when it feels absolutely horrible, and you know no pleasure is forthcoming. I've never been a fan of pain for pain's sake. But I accepted it, endured it, almost welcomed it, because there was a higher purpose. I wanted to stay alive. So I've come to find a new appreciation for the less comfortable, pleasurable things in life, because the fact remains, I like life. As I try to regain my strength, I've done some simple workouts. After a few months of hardly moving, it hurts like a sonofabitch. But I welcome the pain because I know it's necessary. A bowl of oat bran in the mornings isn't as tasty as a sausage-egg sandwich. But it will help me stay alive longer, make my body work better, and in the long run, I guess that makes it all worth it.
I've been quiet for a bit, and I'll explain why. The easiest thing would just be to say "health issues", and it's the truth, but I'm going to give more detail. It cumulated in me having to undergo testing for colon cancer.
Everything is about the ass right now. Anal is the new oral in erotic romance. And in real life. So many people are trying it. Many of them really like it. Celebrities get famous for having large, luscious bottoms. Butts are memorialized in pop songs. It's all about the sexual function of the ass, but the thing is, we have to remember that there's more to our permanent vertical smiles than sex. We live or die based on how healthfully things move through there.
Yeah, I'm talking about the original function of asses now. Seriously not sexy. I'd been noticing that I was getting progressively weaker, my appetite was fading (REALLY weird for me), and my digestion was very off. I'd always thought I was vigilant about my bowels, because I've lost family members to colon cancer before, and I know I"m at risk for it. Weirdly enough, when I started to experience warning signs, I initially ignored them. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. But it got to the point where I couldn't ignore it. I was spending sixteen hours a day asleep, and the other eight curled in the fetal position, moaning in pain and clutching my belly. My life ground to a halt. I couldn't work. Sex (either by myself or with anyone else) was out of the question.
So I went to the doctor, and I had to tell him that I, a person at risk for colon cancer, had been ignoring the fact that there was blood in the toilet after I moved my bowels. After he gave me a stern lecture about not ignoring serious symptoms, we began the testing process. Some bits were so disgusting I can't bring myself to discuss them. As soon as the first results were in, I got booked with the surgeon for the dreaded colonoscopy.
Very few people who are in their thirties expect that they'll need a camera shoved up their ass. I don't imagine that anyone looks forward to it. But as the days dragged by, I found myself wishing time to go faster, so I could get it done. I knew I was sick, but I wanted to know exactly how sick, so I could figure out what to do about it. I was actually eager to get started on the prep, which is pretty much two days of clear liquids and very strong laxatives. Those were probably the two longest days of my life. I staggered back and forth between my bed and the bathroom, never catching more than an hour or two of sleep at a time because once you've taken laxatives you really don't trust yourself to relax all that much.
As I'd been sick for a while anyhow, the preparation was really hard on my body. My darling dad came to town to take care of me, and he had to push me through the hospital in a wheelchair because I was too weak to walk. Then I went into shock when they put the IV in. So I to spend a few hours laying there in pre-op, getting fluids and waiting for my blood pressure to stabilize before I could go in.
By that point, I was utterly convinced I had cancer. I started composing good-bye letters in my head to give to the people I love the most. I sorrowed for the fact that I wouldn't be able to finish the Wildlands series. My brain worked through every mistake I'd ever made, every regret I ever had, and I started to mourn the fact that my life was ending after only 34 years.
When I finally went into the operating room, the doctor asked me if I had any questions, and I asked him how long I would live with cancer. He didn't answer; just told the nurse to give me the sedative. I drifted off lying on my side, as someone was opening the back of my gown so they could insert a six-foot hose into my butt. I remember offering to slip them a fifty if they would grease it well.
When I woke up, the surgeon was standing there, smiling at me. My colon was perfectly normal, except for the fact that I apparently don't eat enough fibre. The GI specialist was called, and after one simple conversation and a look at my medical records, she concluded that my pain and weakness was a reaction to a medication I'd started a few months back, that was apparently doing a number on my digestive system and severely straining my liver.
So I don't have cancer. My dramatic mental preparations for death seem rather silly now. I stopped the drug, and my system is slowly healing. I'm still tired and weak, but I'm sleeping only about 12 hours a day now, and I'm hoping to be able to go back to my 'day' job within another month. The mind fog is clearing, and I've started to write again.
You're probably wondering why I'm telling you all of this. The first reason is as a public service announcement. Colon cancer is a silent, brutal killer. I've watched some of the people I've loved most in the world succomb to it, because the symptoms usually don't show up until it's progressed to the point where it could be too late. And even then, they may have ignored the symptoms out of fear. So if you're over 40, or if you have family history, don't die of embarassment. Talk to your doctor about screening. When it's caught in the early stages, it's not a death sentence. My granddad lived 40 years after his first bout.
The second reason I'm talking about it is that this whole experience has given me a strange new relationship with my body. I underwent some incredibly invasive, humiliating medical procedures, which was something I'd never done before. Having never given birth, I haven't had much cause to have doctors 'down there', except for that quick yearly exam that we all pretend isn't happening. But being probed inside and out has somehow made me more comfortable with my body, with who I am as a person and my place on this earth. It brought me to a new acceptance of the reality of my body, imperfect as it may be. It's mine. It's me.
I've had some weird, freaky sex (not as wild as my characters, but wild enough). I consented to having my body touched in those ways for pleasure. It's a different thing to have people (especially strangers rather than someone you care about and trust) touching you when it feels absolutely horrible, and you know no pleasure is forthcoming. I've never been a fan of pain for pain's sake. But I accepted it, endured it, almost welcomed it, because there was a higher purpose. I wanted to stay alive. So I've come to find a new appreciation for the less comfortable, pleasurable things in life, because the fact remains, I like life. As I try to regain my strength, I've done some simple workouts. After a few months of hardly moving, it hurts like a sonofabitch. But I welcome the pain because I know it's necessary. A bowl of oat bran in the mornings isn't as tasty as a sausage-egg sandwich. But it will help me stay alive longer, make my body work better, and in the long run, I guess that makes it all worth it.
Thursday, 21 May 2015
Ask-a-Wildlander Question # 1
So I've gotten a few questions from the Ask-A-Wildlander segment. How exciting!
We are going to start with Tova:
Dear Blaise,
Although you did seem to redeem yourself at the end of Wildlanders' Woman, you were kind of a difficult man to love. You were really unsympathetic to Ava's plight, her discomfort with her new situation, and generally just an unpleasant person. I think you were really damn lucky that she decided to love you in spite of all of that. All of your Clan does, and I just don't get it. So my question is, how do you feel like you can inspire loyalty in your Clan when you're really not that nice to them?
Blaise: First, I gotta wait until my Clan mates stop laughing, here. I can still kick your arse, hunter, remember that. And wee b'y, remember who trades for your precious books.
Little sister Tova, all's I can say is that first it's a little hurtful ye thinks so poorly of me. Fact is, I give everything to my Clan. Everything. You seen how it works at the end of Wildlanders' Woman. They fucks up, I pays the price.
Killian: Well, I'd like to remind you, big brother, that...
Blaise: Shaddup!
Killian: Fine, then.
Blaise: I've a great deal on my shoulders, dear Tova. My Clan mates all count on me to head the family, to make proper decisions, and to guide us all down the best pathways. Bringin' a bride into the mix just makes it tougher. And remember, we was all in love with Ava even before we brought her home. Meeting her in the market in that Softfoot city that day... it changed my life. She possessed me then. I knew there was none for me but her. Then that chinless bastard of a Commissioner offers me a trade, gets rid of her like she's no more than rubbish... we gives her a far better life in the Wildlands. She's exalted and honored here. So when she comes in, and she don't see that, it hurts, deep down to the soul. I sees in my mind how it can be, a happy Clan, all lovin' together, and I know how happy we can make her, how much we can please her. But she fights it!
Daven: What he means, Tova, is that he's shocked a woman has thoughts of her own and intelligence inside of her head. He can't see past his own pride to understand he's not the center of everything.
Blaise:Ye want me to stake you out as deragon bait?
Daven: Try it. The rest of your mates love me, remember? None of them can keep off my gorgeous cock. Mine gets touched far more than yours does.
Blaise: That's only 'cuz I actually give a care where I stick mine.
Daven: You stick it in the only one of our mates who would actually take you. Ava's a kind soul that way.
Crash! Clatter!
Jodah: Rrroooaar!
Killian: Oh, fuck.
Ava: Boys! Enough! Or nobody's sticking any cock in me for at least a month!
Ava: That's better. Now Blaise, please finish answering the young lady's question.
Blaise: Fact is, I knows what was best for Ava and my Clan. Accept the love, and then everyone's content. So I try make that happen. I know that the faster it happens, the easier it is for everyone. So I push, thinking that Ava would see my wisdom soon. Sadly, I pushed too hard. And I caused her to resort to desperate things, which hurt her and the whole Circle. I paid the price for that, though. And all has been forgiven between us. I know I ain't perfect. But I tries my best to do what's right for my Clan and my Circle, and I should get some respect for that.
Ava: What my darling mate means to say is that he is sorry for his mistakes, and he will try much harder in the future to be a more pleasant person and respect the intelligence of everyone in the Clan before making decisions.
Blaise: Sweetling, that's not entirely...
Ava: Yes, it is.
Blaise: Fuck.
Ava: Not now, my love. But when we get home.
Blaise: Aye!
Ava: Once you admit that you don't always know what's best.
Blaise: I already done that.
Ava: But I'd like to hear it one more time.
Blaise: Make the rest of them stop laughing first.
We are going to start with Tova:
Dear Blaise,
Although you did seem to redeem yourself at the end of Wildlanders' Woman, you were kind of a difficult man to love. You were really unsympathetic to Ava's plight, her discomfort with her new situation, and generally just an unpleasant person. I think you were really damn lucky that she decided to love you in spite of all of that. All of your Clan does, and I just don't get it. So my question is, how do you feel like you can inspire loyalty in your Clan when you're really not that nice to them?
Blaise: First, I gotta wait until my Clan mates stop laughing, here. I can still kick your arse, hunter, remember that. And wee b'y, remember who trades for your precious books.
Little sister Tova, all's I can say is that first it's a little hurtful ye thinks so poorly of me. Fact is, I give everything to my Clan. Everything. You seen how it works at the end of Wildlanders' Woman. They fucks up, I pays the price.
Killian: Well, I'd like to remind you, big brother, that...
Blaise: Shaddup!
Killian: Fine, then.
Blaise: I've a great deal on my shoulders, dear Tova. My Clan mates all count on me to head the family, to make proper decisions, and to guide us all down the best pathways. Bringin' a bride into the mix just makes it tougher. And remember, we was all in love with Ava even before we brought her home. Meeting her in the market in that Softfoot city that day... it changed my life. She possessed me then. I knew there was none for me but her. Then that chinless bastard of a Commissioner offers me a trade, gets rid of her like she's no more than rubbish... we gives her a far better life in the Wildlands. She's exalted and honored here. So when she comes in, and she don't see that, it hurts, deep down to the soul. I sees in my mind how it can be, a happy Clan, all lovin' together, and I know how happy we can make her, how much we can please her. But she fights it!
Daven: What he means, Tova, is that he's shocked a woman has thoughts of her own and intelligence inside of her head. He can't see past his own pride to understand he's not the center of everything.
Blaise:Ye want me to stake you out as deragon bait?
Daven: Try it. The rest of your mates love me, remember? None of them can keep off my gorgeous cock. Mine gets touched far more than yours does.
Blaise: That's only 'cuz I actually give a care where I stick mine.
Daven: You stick it in the only one of our mates who would actually take you. Ava's a kind soul that way.
Crash! Clatter!
Jodah: Rrroooaar!
Killian: Oh, fuck.
Ava: Boys! Enough! Or nobody's sticking any cock in me for at least a month!
Ava: That's better. Now Blaise, please finish answering the young lady's question.
Blaise: Fact is, I knows what was best for Ava and my Clan. Accept the love, and then everyone's content. So I try make that happen. I know that the faster it happens, the easier it is for everyone. So I push, thinking that Ava would see my wisdom soon. Sadly, I pushed too hard. And I caused her to resort to desperate things, which hurt her and the whole Circle. I paid the price for that, though. And all has been forgiven between us. I know I ain't perfect. But I tries my best to do what's right for my Clan and my Circle, and I should get some respect for that.
Ava: What my darling mate means to say is that he is sorry for his mistakes, and he will try much harder in the future to be a more pleasant person and respect the intelligence of everyone in the Clan before making decisions.
Blaise: Sweetling, that's not entirely...
Ava: Yes, it is.
Blaise: Fuck.
Ava: Not now, my love. But when we get home.
Blaise: Aye!
Ava: Once you admit that you don't always know what's best.
Blaise: I already done that.
Ava: But I'd like to hear it one more time.
Blaise: Make the rest of them stop laughing first.
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Sneak Peek from Innocence Aroused
Hey all,
I'm working on Arcadian's Balm and Innocence Aroused. Apparently I can't just write one book at a time. The joys of having ADHD, I suppose. But I guess I shouldn't complain about my strange brain. It enables me to write dirty books, and that's fun!
Anyhow, here's a little clip from Innocence Aroused:
Coral drifted awake slowly as she waded through the memories of the evening and took careful inventory of her body. Her nipples and clit ached. Her limbs were weak. Her throat was sore from screaming. And she had a vague sense of discord deep within, that something had fundamentally shifted in her relationship with Josiah, and she wasn’t entirely comfortable with it.
“Morning, sleepyhead.”
Did the man ever sleep? “Is it morning?”
“No, it’s actually about midnight.” He helped her to sit. “The boys are still out in the yard. Probably finishing my beer.”
“But you’re up here with me.” Coral pushed herself up on her knees and turned to face him. She needed to see his face, and she needed to be tall enough that she felt like his equal.
Josiah stroked her hair back. “Tonight’s scene was intense. You wouldn’t stay awake long enough to let me bring you down properly, so I sure as hell wasn’t going to let you sleep alone.”
Coral vaguely remembered him bathing and massaging her. “What else do we need to do?”
“Talk, mostly. We stepped up the game tonight. Brought you farther than you’ve been before. It’s the first time you’ve actually begged me to stop.”
Coral bit her lip, suddenly hurt at the memory. “But you didn’t.”
“You didn’t use your safe word,” he said flatly. “That’s the way we’ve set this up, sweets. You still don’t trust yourself enough to ask for what you want. Fuck, you don’t even trust yourself enough to admit what you want, so we’ve agreed that you let me figure it out. And you let me give it to you. And you trust me to never take you beyond what you can handle.”
“It hurt.” Coral shifted slightly, trying to relieve pressure on her abused clit. “Especially when you used that vibrator. It hurt. You made it so I had no choice but to come, and I had to figure out how to do it while it hurt.”
Josiah seemed unaffected by her accusations. “You like pain. You’ve admitted that to me more than once. And the point is, you had to make yourself come. I didn’t do it for you.”
I'm working on Arcadian's Balm and Innocence Aroused. Apparently I can't just write one book at a time. The joys of having ADHD, I suppose. But I guess I shouldn't complain about my strange brain. It enables me to write dirty books, and that's fun!
Anyhow, here's a little clip from Innocence Aroused:
Coral drifted awake slowly as she waded through the memories of the evening and took careful inventory of her body. Her nipples and clit ached. Her limbs were weak. Her throat was sore from screaming. And she had a vague sense of discord deep within, that something had fundamentally shifted in her relationship with Josiah, and she wasn’t entirely comfortable with it.
“Morning, sleepyhead.”
Did the man ever sleep? “Is it morning?”
“No, it’s actually about midnight.” He helped her to sit. “The boys are still out in the yard. Probably finishing my beer.”
“But you’re up here with me.” Coral pushed herself up on her knees and turned to face him. She needed to see his face, and she needed to be tall enough that she felt like his equal.
Josiah stroked her hair back. “Tonight’s scene was intense. You wouldn’t stay awake long enough to let me bring you down properly, so I sure as hell wasn’t going to let you sleep alone.”
Coral vaguely remembered him bathing and massaging her. “What else do we need to do?”
“Talk, mostly. We stepped up the game tonight. Brought you farther than you’ve been before. It’s the first time you’ve actually begged me to stop.”
Coral bit her lip, suddenly hurt at the memory. “But you didn’t.”
“You didn’t use your safe word,” he said flatly. “That’s the way we’ve set this up, sweets. You still don’t trust yourself enough to ask for what you want. Fuck, you don’t even trust yourself enough to admit what you want, so we’ve agreed that you let me figure it out. And you let me give it to you. And you trust me to never take you beyond what you can handle.”
“It hurt.” Coral shifted slightly, trying to relieve pressure on her abused clit. “Especially when you used that vibrator. It hurt. You made it so I had no choice but to come, and I had to figure out how to do it while it hurt.”
Josiah seemed unaffected by her accusations. “You like pain. You’ve admitted that to me more than once. And the point is, you had to make yourself come. I didn’t do it for you.”
Thursday, 7 May 2015
Awesome Blog Interview!
So I'd like to thank Kelly D. Smith of the SmithandLeduc Everything Writing blog for being so kind as to interview me this past week. It was really cool to be able to talk about my writing and give out a few tips. Anyhow, check out the interview here!
Monday, 4 May 2015
A Discussion of Consent
If you're on this blog, you've likely read some of my work. If you've read some of my work, particularly the Wildlands books, you've figured out that I sometimes like to play with questions of consent. So let's talk about it for a few minutes.
First, I want to make it VERY clear that I am a strong advocate for enthusiastic consent in all real-life sexual encounters. Sex is only sex if all parties have agreed to engage in the activity without coercion, intoxication, intimidation, etc. Otherwise, it's a crime.
That being said, dubcon, or even noncon, can be a kink. For certain people, there is something titillating in the idea of being overcome sexually, having your body taken over by a strong, sensual partner who awakens something within you and forces you to respond. It can be a fun sexual game if that's what you're into, and I won't say that I've never tried it. But such games must be undertaken very carefully, with agreed-upon parameters, safety precautions, etc. That is vital for the physical and emotional safety of all parties involved. It's rather ironic, that a dubcon fantasy must be entered into with enthusiastic consent. But it's the reality. Otherwise, the results can be disastrous, and leave people with lifelong scars.
For those of us who do have a dubcon kink, erotic fiction of a certain kind can provide a safe way of exploring those fantasies. For some women, especially those raised in a sexually repressive environment where they are taught that their ladybits are bad and dirty, it's easier to 'forgive' a heroine who experiences pleasure in forced or coerced sex because she did not have a choice. The sex, and by extension the pleasure, was forced upon her. We are going to look at an extension of that mentality in Innocence Aroused, where the heroine enters into a d/s relationship in part because it's easier for her to enjoy her sexual experiences when she can tell herself that she did not have a choice. So we will have to examine that mentality, see whether it's healthy, and whether she can, or should, move on from that eventually.
In a way, writing the kink into the Wildlands series is a lot easier. It's a fantasy world. Though fantasy worlds must have an element of believability to them, it's different than writing about contemporary reality. The Wildland Tribute system is, at its core, a form of marriage-by-capture, and in most of human tradition, marriage has given males the automatic rights over their wives' bodies. In First Possession, even as Ava panics at the sexual act she's about to be performing, she understands that she is essentially these men's wife, and therefore required to allow them access to her body. Part of the narrative of Wildlanders' Woman, particularly the tension between Ava and Blaise, and as we see in the brief scene between Darock and Sarina, is the fundamental difference in perspective between the Arcadian women and the Wildlander men. Wives they may be, but the Arcadian women struggle with the intimacies performed upon them. At times, they feel violated. The Wildlander males don't understand why their women could feel this way, as they always ensure their pleasure. The Wildlander obsession with physical enjoyment makes it difficult for them to comprehend why anyone would choose not to engage in sex, as it leads to such pleasure.
The problems that arise in Wildlanders' Woman, particularly surrounding Ava's addiction and Sarina's criminal activities, are evidence of the problematic nature of the Wildlander mentality. Something's gotta give, here. So as the series progresses, the society will have to move toward a better understanding between the two groups.
First, I want to make it VERY clear that I am a strong advocate for enthusiastic consent in all real-life sexual encounters. Sex is only sex if all parties have agreed to engage in the activity without coercion, intoxication, intimidation, etc. Otherwise, it's a crime.
That being said, dubcon, or even noncon, can be a kink. For certain people, there is something titillating in the idea of being overcome sexually, having your body taken over by a strong, sensual partner who awakens something within you and forces you to respond. It can be a fun sexual game if that's what you're into, and I won't say that I've never tried it. But such games must be undertaken very carefully, with agreed-upon parameters, safety precautions, etc. That is vital for the physical and emotional safety of all parties involved. It's rather ironic, that a dubcon fantasy must be entered into with enthusiastic consent. But it's the reality. Otherwise, the results can be disastrous, and leave people with lifelong scars.
For those of us who do have a dubcon kink, erotic fiction of a certain kind can provide a safe way of exploring those fantasies. For some women, especially those raised in a sexually repressive environment where they are taught that their ladybits are bad and dirty, it's easier to 'forgive' a heroine who experiences pleasure in forced or coerced sex because she did not have a choice. The sex, and by extension the pleasure, was forced upon her. We are going to look at an extension of that mentality in Innocence Aroused, where the heroine enters into a d/s relationship in part because it's easier for her to enjoy her sexual experiences when she can tell herself that she did not have a choice. So we will have to examine that mentality, see whether it's healthy, and whether she can, or should, move on from that eventually.
In a way, writing the kink into the Wildlands series is a lot easier. It's a fantasy world. Though fantasy worlds must have an element of believability to them, it's different than writing about contemporary reality. The Wildland Tribute system is, at its core, a form of marriage-by-capture, and in most of human tradition, marriage has given males the automatic rights over their wives' bodies. In First Possession, even as Ava panics at the sexual act she's about to be performing, she understands that she is essentially these men's wife, and therefore required to allow them access to her body. Part of the narrative of Wildlanders' Woman, particularly the tension between Ava and Blaise, and as we see in the brief scene between Darock and Sarina, is the fundamental difference in perspective between the Arcadian women and the Wildlander men. Wives they may be, but the Arcadian women struggle with the intimacies performed upon them. At times, they feel violated. The Wildlander males don't understand why their women could feel this way, as they always ensure their pleasure. The Wildlander obsession with physical enjoyment makes it difficult for them to comprehend why anyone would choose not to engage in sex, as it leads to such pleasure.
The problems that arise in Wildlanders' Woman, particularly surrounding Ava's addiction and Sarina's criminal activities, are evidence of the problematic nature of the Wildlander mentality. Something's gotta give, here. So as the series progresses, the society will have to move toward a better understanding between the two groups.
Cover of Innocence Aroused and Sneak Peek
Here's the cover for Innocence Aroused, the next installment in the Innocents serial. It continues the story of Coral, a religious fundamentalist young woman experiencing a sexual awakening at the hands of Josiah, a reclusive mountain homesteader. And, as we'll discover in this story, his friends.***
Coral was preparing to load the dishwasher when Josiah came in. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, and she thrilled to be held against his powerful chest. Already, her pussy quivered in anticipation of whatever he’d come up with for tonight.
“Go shower,” he murmured in her ear. “Put your hair up. Then you go wait for me, naked, by the door out onto the porch, in thirty minutes. Figure we should take advantage of this warm night, eh?”
Arousal oozed from between her sex lips. Coral squirmed. Outside, the others could see her. Was that what he intended? Was that what she… wanted?
No, that would be wrong. But if Josiah ordered her to do so, she had to obey. She trembled in excitement, her sex growing slick. They might all look at her, see Josiah make love to her, and wish that they were in his place. How would it feel, she wondered, to have someone other than Josiah inside of her?
She flushed with shame at the thought.
Twenty minutes later, she was hurrying back downstairs, anxious to get into position before he came for her. But he was waiting. When she tried to sink into position, he caught her arm.
“I told you, I don’t need that.”
Outside, one of the lounge chairs was set up at the base of the porch steps, straps and cuffs draped neatly over. Coral’s tummy clenched in anticipation. She glanced around, seeing Lachlan, Pike, Kabel, and Wolf in a half-circle by the fire pit, all with a very good view of what was about to happen.
Coral bit her lip and looked up to Josiah, whose eyes were gleaming. “Let’s just see how much you get off on being watched. We’ll start with a spanking, seeing as how I know how much you like those, but we’ll do it a little differently. I want you to put your hands on the second step from the bottom. Legs spread nice and wide.”
*** Every sexual experience in this story is undertaken with full consent of the heroine, as per the parameters of the d/s relationship.
Coral was preparing to load the dishwasher when Josiah came in. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, and she thrilled to be held against his powerful chest. Already, her pussy quivered in anticipation of whatever he’d come up with for tonight.
“Go shower,” he murmured in her ear. “Put your hair up. Then you go wait for me, naked, by the door out onto the porch, in thirty minutes. Figure we should take advantage of this warm night, eh?”
Arousal oozed from between her sex lips. Coral squirmed. Outside, the others could see her. Was that what he intended? Was that what she… wanted?
No, that would be wrong. But if Josiah ordered her to do so, she had to obey. She trembled in excitement, her sex growing slick. They might all look at her, see Josiah make love to her, and wish that they were in his place. How would it feel, she wondered, to have someone other than Josiah inside of her?
She flushed with shame at the thought.
Twenty minutes later, she was hurrying back downstairs, anxious to get into position before he came for her. But he was waiting. When she tried to sink into position, he caught her arm.
“I told you, I don’t need that.”
Outside, one of the lounge chairs was set up at the base of the porch steps, straps and cuffs draped neatly over. Coral’s tummy clenched in anticipation. She glanced around, seeing Lachlan, Pike, Kabel, and Wolf in a half-circle by the fire pit, all with a very good view of what was about to happen.
Coral bit her lip and looked up to Josiah, whose eyes were gleaming. “Let’s just see how much you get off on being watched. We’ll start with a spanking, seeing as how I know how much you like those, but we’ll do it a little differently. I want you to put your hands on the second step from the bottom. Legs spread nice and wide.”
*** Every sexual experience in this story is undertaken with full consent of the heroine, as per the parameters of the d/s relationship.
Friday, 1 May 2015
New Feature... Ask-A-Wildlander
So I spend a LOT of time hanging out in the Wildlands, and, as we all know, the folks who live there are utterly fabulous. And we are endlessly curious about their lives, their minds, and everything that makes them tick.
It makes sense, then, that readers should be able to ask our delicious warriors questions themselves! Why is Blaise so cranky most of the time? Ask him? Wanna know if Daven's as much of a beast in the sack as he seems? Ask Killian! Why isn't Rustan completely forthcoming about his age? Exactly how big is Jodah's... equipment, and is he willing to offer up photographs as proof?
So, if you have a question, use the contact form here, or email me privately, or post them in the comments. I'll answer them (without revealing the asker's personal information) in a post once a week or so. Let's see what those Wildlanders have to tell us!
It makes sense, then, that readers should be able to ask our delicious warriors questions themselves! Why is Blaise so cranky most of the time? Ask him? Wanna know if Daven's as much of a beast in the sack as he seems? Ask Killian! Why isn't Rustan completely forthcoming about his age? Exactly how big is Jodah's... equipment, and is he willing to offer up photographs as proof?
So, if you have a question, use the contact form here, or email me privately, or post them in the comments. I'll answer them (without revealing the asker's personal information) in a post once a week or so. Let's see what those Wildlanders have to tell us!
Weekly Tumblr Roundup
So I've only done a few Tumblr posts so far, but I love them and want to show them off, so here we go!
This is, of course, a reference to Wildlanders' Hope, where our intrepid heroine does just that. Wanna see it happen? Buy the book here!
In Wildlanders' Woman, Ava's adorable mates Daven and Killian ease her tension in that most delightful of ways.
Tip # 1
After you’ve killed trolls with your hunky warrior lovers, the best position for celebration sex is doggy-style. #WildlandersHopeThis is, of course, a reference to Wildlanders' Hope, where our intrepid heroine does just that. Wanna see it happen? Buy the book here!
Tip # 2
When you’re stressed out, a little oral in the moonlight can be a beautiful thing. #wildlanderswomanIn Wildlanders' Woman, Ava's adorable mates Daven and Killian ease her tension in that most delightful of ways.
Tumblr is Here!
So I've decided to play around a bit on Tumblr. I'm not going to make it idential to this blog. Tumblr's interface is not set up for the kind of writing I want to do on here. I'm basically going to use the Tumblr feed for a bit of raunchy fun, namely...
Sex Tips from an Erotic Romance Author
How do you like them applums? (Reference to Wildlands). I'll do a weekly round-up of what has happened on Tumblr over on this blog, and once I figure out how, I'll set up a link so you can easily pop between the two. It just makes good sense to expand my social media base and find new ways to connect with readers.
Sex Tips from an Erotic Romance Author
How do you like them applums? (Reference to Wildlands). I'll do a weekly round-up of what has happened on Tumblr over on this blog, and once I figure out how, I'll set up a link so you can easily pop between the two. It just makes good sense to expand my social media base and find new ways to connect with readers.
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Character Profile - Lorien from Arcadian's Balm
Lorien, Daughter of Maryne Cosgrove,
Bride in the NorthWest Wood
![]() |
Lorien |
Lorien was born in the North-West
Valley City of the nation of Arcadia, the youngest daughter of Peytar and Maryne
Cosgrove. Her mother died when she was two years old, her father when she was twenty. She has one older sister, Ava. Ava and Lorien were then raised by a nursemaid, Estia.
When Lorien was eighteen, she began a courtship with Warder Bellamy, a colleague of her father's at the Scholars' Guild. She quickly fell in love with the quiet, gentle man. They married when she was nineteen. Their marriage was very happy. Shortly before her father's death, they found out they were expecting theri first child. Lorien was thrilled. When she was six months along, though, she was devastated when her beloved sister Ava was sent away to become a Tribute Bride to the Wildlands.
Overall, Lorien was considered an ideal Arcadian woman. Small and slender, delicate of feature, she's also ideally soft and gentle in demeanour. Her one major flaw was kept hidden in the bedroom. Though women are not supposed to feel physical desire, Lorien has experienced several paroxysms in her time with Warder. Being a loving husband, he did not censure or judge her for them. However, Lorien loses all of her respect and standing in Arcadia when she contracts Sweating Sickness while pregnant, and gives birth to a stillborn boy. Warder dies just hours after hearing of his son's death, Estia a day later.
A month after the deaths, Lorien is discovered in the forest outside of the Circle of the NorthWest Wood. She's exhausted, half-starved, and emotionally distraught. The newly-formed Clan of Gevaril, Tomis, and Cale bring her back to the Circle, where she can be nursed back to health.
But it will not prove to be so simple. There is a Darkness that feeds upon a broken heart, and it will take the impossible to heal her....
When Lorien was eighteen, she began a courtship with Warder Bellamy, a colleague of her father's at the Scholars' Guild. She quickly fell in love with the quiet, gentle man. They married when she was nineteen. Their marriage was very happy. Shortly before her father's death, they found out they were expecting theri first child. Lorien was thrilled. When she was six months along, though, she was devastated when her beloved sister Ava was sent away to become a Tribute Bride to the Wildlands.
Overall, Lorien was considered an ideal Arcadian woman. Small and slender, delicate of feature, she's also ideally soft and gentle in demeanour. Her one major flaw was kept hidden in the bedroom. Though women are not supposed to feel physical desire, Lorien has experienced several paroxysms in her time with Warder. Being a loving husband, he did not censure or judge her for them. However, Lorien loses all of her respect and standing in Arcadia when she contracts Sweating Sickness while pregnant, and gives birth to a stillborn boy. Warder dies just hours after hearing of his son's death, Estia a day later.
A month after the deaths, Lorien is discovered in the forest outside of the Circle of the NorthWest Wood. She's exhausted, half-starved, and emotionally distraught. The newly-formed Clan of Gevaril, Tomis, and Cale bring her back to the Circle, where she can be nursed back to health.
But it will not prove to be so simple. There is a Darkness that feeds upon a broken heart, and it will take the impossible to heal her....
Monday, 27 April 2015
Arcadian's Balm Cover and sneak peek
So it's here!
This is the Arcadian's Balm cover. Still not promising a release date (not falling down that trap again), but the cover is done, and things are going splendidly as far as the writing is concerned. Lorien and her men are throwing a few surprises at me, but the Wildlands wouldn't be any fun at all if they were predictable, now would they?
Here's a scene from the novel, for those of you who are waiting so patiently.
This is the Arcadian's Balm cover. Still not promising a release date (not falling down that trap again), but the cover is done, and things are going splendidly as far as the writing is concerned. Lorien and her men are throwing a few surprises at me, but the Wildlands wouldn't be any fun at all if they were predictable, now would they?
Here's a scene from the novel, for those of you who are waiting so patiently.
Rather than going straight home, Tomis instead followed
Jodah’s directions to the steam caves, caverns deep in the mountain that held
naturally-formed pools of hot water. His own home had a bath-pool of course,
but the current was not so strong, and the water not so hot. There was
something about the heat and the moisture of the air that had been infinitely
soothing to him, the few times he’d gone into such a place.
The passage was lit by a few gel-fire lanterns, but it was
still filled with shadows.
As he felt the wash of heat from the cavern, he knew he’d
made the right choice in coming. This would be infinitely healing, he knew,
right down to his battered soul. He moved through the archway and into the
wide, humid cavern. He shuddered in pleasure at the feel of steam over his
The cavern was large, larger than the whole of his home,
with a soaring ceiling. Steam rose in curls from the four pools, blurring the
air enough to make visibility poor, but not impossible. Tomis could see a bench
piled with blankets and towelling. Obviously, this place was a popular
destination for the members of this Circle.
He heard a high-pitched giggle, followed by a low, rumbling
moan. Aye, some Clan was enjoying the pleasures of more than just a steamy
bath. For a moment, he considered simply walking away, but some perverse part
of him insisted he move forward, and get a better look. The lovers would have
no reason to complain even if they saw him – anyone who got naked in a
community space knew the risk of being watched. Some enjoyed it.
Tomis crept as close as he dared, ducking between two
massive boulders. He had a fine and direct view of the action. Blankets were
spread out, and a Clan frolicked upon them, three men and one woman. He caught
a flash of golden hair and recognized the warrior Tamun, who knelt between a
pair of dark, wide-spread legs.
The woman was obviously Soft-born. She was the smallest one
Tomis had ever seen, the top of her head likely no higher than his own chest. Her
bones were fine, her waist so narrow a man could easily clasp it between his hands
and reach right around. He noticed, almost absently, that her breasts were
small, like two applums, tipped in black, instead of pink. Indeed, she had skin the rich brown of roasted nuts. He’d heard about such people, but had
never seen one before. She was really quite lovely.
One of the other Clan mates had her bum cheeks grasped in his
hands, holding them apart, while the third moved something round that entrance.
Tomis blinked, trying to see through the steam. It was a lingam, he finally
realized, one of those gifts from across the Southern Sea. The carved form of a
penis was buffed and polished to such a smooth texture that it could be safely
inserted into a person’s body without tearing the delicate tissue. One had to
be careful, of course, but it could be done. He’d heard of some men using the
devices to help stretch their Soft-born brides’ openings to accommodate their
cocks. Some people simply found the feel of the stone pleasurable.
Obviously, this was the case with Tamun’s bride. She moaned
and squirmed as her mates carefully worked the toy in and out of her back
hole. As her gasps became frantic, the warrior drew back from her cunt,
grasping her hips and ignoring her pleas for him to continue with his licking.
But it was not long after that she threw back her head and shrieked in
triumphant pleasure, her voice ringing richly through the cavern.
Interesting, Tomis thought. He’d never realized that the
Soft-borns truly enjoyed pleasure at their bums. He knew it was not done to
females in Arcadia. But this girl had achieved an exquisite climax from anal
stimulation. Sure, Tamun working on her cunt had helped build her up, but he’d
stopped well before she’d gone over.
The bride’s Clan mates eased her down, kissing and caressing
her, murmuring the sweet things that men said to their women at times like
this. Their touches grew more intimate, and in very little time, she was
writhing again.
Tamun lay back, and the little minx crawled eagerly atop
him. Tomis caught a glimpse of the bride’s dripping sex petals, bare of any
hair. He shuddered, remembering briefly the scent of Delamia’s damp curls, and
how he’d loved to nuzzle there.
Forcing himself to focus, he watched the girl settle over
her Clan mate’s cock. A few thrusts of his hips, and he was hilt-deep. She
leaned down to kiss his chest and jaw, and one of the other mates took the
opportunity to begin working his well-oiled member into her arse. As was
natural, this took a little longer, but the bride seemed extraordinarily eager
to take him there, sighing happily once the two were buried all the way inside.
Seeing this beautiful act of possession might have turned
Tomis’s thoughts back to his Clan, and the times they’d loved one another like
this, but for his amazement that this wee slip of a female could take both
those massive cocks. He wondered if he could actually see her abdomen bulge
with the force of it. But she was smiling, trembling in ecstasy.
She opened her mouth, and Tomis stared as the third Clan
male worked his cock past her full lips. All three at once! He knew many
Wildlander women who did not do that. Part of the reason he and Kendo and Delamia
had not sought out a fourth Clan mate was because Delamia had hated sucking
cock so much. It had not been a terrible thing; he and Kendo had simply
accommodated one another when the urge struck, but Tomis had often wondered
what it would be like to be in a full possession like this.
In one way, awkward, he thought, as he watched the Clan
writhe together. Sure, Tamun and his partner had worked up a rhythm, one
sliding in while the other slipped back, but the girl was obviously not
practised at suckling. She made a heroic effort, though, sliding her lips over
that bulbous head, and when her mate had grunted his orgasm, she’d swallowed
hard, taking his seed down her throat.
The bride went next, wailing her pleasure, and the two men
impaling her pelvis were soon to follow. Tomis watched as they collapsed in a
In earlier times, such a show would have set his cock to
swelling, and he might not have even needed to stroke to obtain release. But as
he got up to leave on silent feet, he realized that he had not even felt a
twitch. His cock was limp. The last time it had been otherwise had been the
night before the cusith attack, when he’d loved his Clan for what none of them
had known would be the final time.
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