Thursday, 7 August 2014


The Wildlanders series is set in two main places - Arcadia and the Wildlands. I'll be putting up some blurbs explaining a bit about of the cultures and the peoples.

As the name suggests, Arcadia is a gentle, pastoral utopia. Small farms dot the hills, and neat, orderly cities are built as hubs. There’s a place for everything and everything belongs in its place. The society is governed by a strict system of rules and mores, and laws are rarely broken. Training in both the legal and social expectations begins very early, and is a continual process.

The Arcadians call themselves the Cultured Peoples, or Cultured Folk, and pride themselves on their refinement, civilization, and peaceful society. Everyone receives a basic education, and the local Scholars’ Guilds are fastidious about preserving knowledge for the generations to come. Though there are some people wealthier than others, hoarding money is seen as severely selfish, so there is not vast income inequality. 

Physically, the ideal Arcadian is slim, fine-boned, and delicate-featured. Anything bulky, broad, or oversized smacks of a lack of civilization. Pale coloring is the norm, though there are a few groups of people in the south of the country who are dark-skinned and black-haired. In the northern areas, many young men find these unusual-looking women exotic and beautiful, as long as they are slim and fine of feature.

As Arcadia believes their strength lies in the family structure, there is a great emphasis on marriage. All young women of sound health and mind are required to be wed by their twenty-fourth birthday, or face exile. As men are the primary breadwinners and often need to complete their educations and apprenticeship, there is no maximum marrying age for the male half of the population. As sexual relations outside of marriage are considered taboo, possibly resulting in the loss of employment, social censure, and, in extreme cases, legal consequences, most Arcadians tend to marry young. If a baby is born six, rather than nine months after the wedding, it’s simply not mentioned in polite conversation.

Overall, the society is patriarchal. Girls are under the protection and authority of their fathers or another male relative until they marry, at which time that transfers over to their husbands. A woman cannot be forced to marry against their will, but if she does not marry in time, she is sent beyond the walls of Arcadia. Once a girl is gone, she’s never to be spoken of again. As she’s considered to have dishonored herself and her family by failing to attract a mate, she’s no longer worthy of mention within Arcadian society.

Titles are very important. A young woman is called ‘Miss Lastname’ until she’s reached the age of seventeen, where she can be married. Until she’s wed, she’s known as ‘Maiden Lastname’. After her marriage, she’s addressed as ‘Mistress HusbandsLastname’. A boy is known as ‘Master’ until he’s married. Then he becomes ‘Mister’. If he holds a position in the community of high honor, like in government, he’s called by his title, ie ‘Commissioner’, as it invokes high status.

The main form of religion is worship of the Hallowed Stars, which are believed to be the source of wisdom and life. There are numerous rituals and symbols associated with this faith, and it is a big part of daily life. Parish priests are some of the most powerful leaders in the community. To openly defy one is to open oneself up to serious disapproval from the public.

Most Arcadians’ biggest fear is social censure. As they consider themselves civilized and cultured, they care very much about the opinions of others. ‘But what might people think?’ is a common worry.
Arcadia is protected by a massive stone wall that surrounds the country on all sides but the Southern coastline. Nobody gets out or in without having a good reason, and the borders are very secure. The biggest threat to this security comes from the Dark Lands, mysterious and lawless places inhabited by a variety of evil, supernatural creatures. Between Arcadia and the Dark Lands lies the Wildlands. The inhabitants there, a fierce race of barbarian warriors known simply as the Wildlanders, are seen as savage and primitive by the Arcadians. Unfortunately, the Wildlanders are the only people capable of effectively defeating the evil which comes from the Dark Lands.

For the past two generations, the Arcadians and the Wildlanders have had an agreement. The Wildlanders will protect Arcadia’s borders from the Dark Ones, and the Arcadians will send females beyond the walls to be the warriors’ brides. Arcadian law states that any woman facing exile (that is, has reached age twenty-four without marrying) will be sent as a bride, commonly called a Tribute.

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