Thursday, 21 May 2015

Ask-a-Wildlander Question # 1

So I've gotten a few questions from the Ask-A-Wildlander segment. How exciting!

We are going to start with Tova:

Dear Blaise,

Although you did seem to redeem yourself at the end of Wildlanders' Woman, you were kind of a difficult man to love. You were really unsympathetic to Ava's plight, her discomfort with her new situation, and generally just an unpleasant person. I think you were really damn lucky that she decided to love you in spite of all of that.  All of your Clan does, and I just don't get it. So my question is, how do you feel like you can inspire loyalty in your Clan when you're really not that nice to them?

Blaise: First, I gotta wait until my Clan mates stop laughing, here. I can still kick your arse, hunter, remember that. And wee b'y, remember who trades for your precious books.

Little sister Tova, all's I can say is that first it's a little hurtful ye thinks so poorly of me. Fact is, I give everything to my Clan. Everything. You seen how it works at the end of Wildlanders' Woman. They fucks up, I pays the price.

Killian: Well, I'd like to remind you, big brother, that...

Blaise: Shaddup!

 Killian: Fine, then.

Blaise: I've a great deal on my shoulders, dear Tova. My Clan mates all count on me to head the family, to make proper decisions, and to guide us all down the best pathways. Bringin' a bride into the mix just makes it tougher. And remember, we was all in love with Ava even before we brought her home. Meeting her in the market in that Softfoot city that day... it changed my life. She possessed me then. I knew there was none for me but her. Then that chinless bastard of a Commissioner offers me a trade, gets rid of her like she's no more than rubbish... we gives her a far better life in the Wildlands. She's exalted and honored here. So when she comes in, and she don't see that, it hurts, deep down to the soul. I sees in my mind how it can be, a happy Clan, all lovin' together, and I know how happy we can make her, how much we can please her. But she fights it!

Daven: What he means, Tova, is that he's shocked a woman has thoughts of her own and intelligence inside of her head. He can't see past his own pride to understand he's not the center of everything.

Blaise:Ye want me to stake you out as deragon bait?

Daven: Try it. The rest of your mates love me, remember? None of them can keep off my gorgeous cock. Mine gets touched far more than yours does.

Blaise: That's only 'cuz I actually give a care where I stick mine.

Daven: You stick it in the only one of our mates who would actually take you. Ava's a kind soul that way.

Crash! Clatter!

Jodah: Rrroooaar!

Killian: Oh, fuck.

Ava: Boys! Enough! Or nobody's sticking any cock in me for at least a month!


Ava: That's better. Now Blaise, please finish answering the young lady's question.

Blaise: Fact is, I knows what was best for Ava and my Clan. Accept the love, and then everyone's content. So I try make that happen. I know that the faster it happens, the easier it is for everyone. So I push, thinking that Ava would see my wisdom soon. Sadly, I pushed too hard. And I caused her to resort to desperate things, which hurt her and the whole Circle. I paid the price for that, though. And all has been forgiven between us. I know I ain't perfect. But I tries my best to do what's right for my Clan and my Circle, and I should get some respect for that.

Ava: What my darling mate means to say is that he is sorry for his mistakes, and he will try much harder in the future to be a more pleasant person and respect the intelligence of everyone in the Clan before making decisions.

Blaise: Sweetling, that's not entirely...

Ava: Yes, it is.

Blaise: Fuck.

Ava: Not now, my love. But when we get home.

Blaise: Aye!

Ava: Once you admit that you don't always know what's best.

Blaise: I already done that.

Ava: But I'd like to hear it one more time.

Blaise: Make the rest of them stop laughing first.


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