Monday, 22 September 2014


I'm still hard at work on the next Wildlands book. As things are going, we should still be able to manage a December release date. I'll start releasing cover images and character profiles next month. I've surrounded myself with pictures of what I envision the Circle of the NorthWest Wood to be, and, of course, my gorgeous characters.

It's very inspirational. Wine and music help, too. Right now it's a lot of harps and Celtic songs, and of course traditional Newfoundland and Canadian Maritime music. Occasionally katajjaq (Inuit throat singing). It has this raw, primal feeling to it that really fits with the way I envision the Wildlands. I'm not going to ever publish playlists or soundtracks to the books. Music means something different to everyone, and I've never found that reading a musical playlist enhances a story for me.

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